Let's Recognize Together

What I’ve Learned

What I’ve Learned

I want to share a few things with you that I have learned thus far on my journey walking alongside First Nations, Metis, and Innu Peoples. Evaluate Your Own Biases You may believe in something or live a certain way, but that does not mean that it is right or relevant...

Oppressed to Oppressor

Oppressed to Oppressor

Ever wonder what possesses someone to hurt another? Is it fueled by anger? Jealousy? Fear? Maybe it is all of these possibilities and more, or maybe none at all. There is always more beneath the surface. Take a moment to reflect on a time when you may have caused...

The Doctrine of Discovery

The Doctrine of Discovery

I do not know where you come from, what your background is, or what you are going through right now but I want you to take a moment to imagine. Imagine all your values and beliefs being swept out from underneath you, out of your control, and deemed as a criminal...

Religion < Spirituality

Religion < Spirituality

“We could never be Christians”, was stated by a First Nations Elder during a panel discussion at the World Indigenous People's Conference on Education. This Elder is definitely justified in his perspective. There was an immense amount of injustice done on behalf of...

Cultural Appropriation

Cultural Appropriation

Halloween is fast approaching and I thought this would be an appropriate time to discuss the topic of cultural appropriation. Google defines appropriation as, “The action of taking something for one’s own use, typically without the owner’s permission”. Cultural...

Let us Listen, Let us Recognize

Let us Listen, Let us Recognize

“I remember them taking me away from my mother and my step father. I could hear them telling my mom that it was the best thing for me and not to worry, that I would be looked after. The next day I woke up with hundreds of total strangers, my size, my age, not knowing...

Personal Reflection

Personal Reflection

Inspiration is everywhere but sometimes we neglect to acknowledge it. Lately, I have been choosing to wake up everyday with the desire to learn something new and keep an open mind. I have also been reflecting on my journey thus far and wanted to share a more personal...

Decolonizing Employment 

Decolonizing Employment 

Another frequently asked question: “Why is preference given to Aboriginal People's for some government jobs?”. Some people perceive this as discrimination. Discrimination is a sensitive topic and I believe it to be highly controversial at times. However, I felt...



The more I learn about the First Nations, Metis, and Inuit (FNMI) culture and their land, I am reminded of how much knowledge I still have yet to acquire. There is always something new to learn, not only about the FNMI culture but about the World in general and about...

Connect with Meagan

Meagan Lortie
T: 705 305 8856
E: meagan@journeyintotruth.org

Connect with Caycee

Caycee Masters
T: 705 828 0245
E: caycee@journeyintotruth.org