The Facilitators

In keeping with our theme of truth and reconciliation, we truly believe that there is strength in having one Indigenous facilitator and one non-Indigenous facilitator. Our partnership is symbolic of bringing two worlds together. We bridge the gap between polarized extremes, finding balance in truth.

Meagan Lortie is an Anishinaabe woman who grew up in Barrie. She is a graduate of the Indigenous Community and Social Development Program at Georgian College and holds a B.A. in the Childhood and Social Institutions Program at Western University. Meagan is an advocate for truth, reconciliation and decolonization. She strongly believes the best way to move towards a sustainable and just future it to encourage accountability, understanding, and empathy. She devotes her free time to exploring her culture, ancestry, and identity. Meagan and her colleague Caycee developed this workshop in order to help others learn about the effects of colonialism on First Nations, Metis, and Inuit communities. It is her hope that through this work people living in Canada can learn the truth about Canadian history and work towards a decolonized future.

Caycee Masters is a non-Indigenous woman who grew up on a farm in Ontario. She holds a B.A. in Anthropology from the University of Guelph and a diploma in the Indigenous Community and Social Development Program at Georgian College. She has a passion for learning about other cultures and values personal growth and development, by practicing First Nations traditional teachings. Caycee believes that true growth occurs the moment you decide to step outside of your comfort zone. She is excited to continue working with her colleague Meagan Lortie, on their Truth and Reconciliation training, as a way of encouraging participants to identify and learn what their role can be within the reconciliation journey, and how they can put it into action.  

Connect with Meagan

Meagan Lortie
T: 705 305 8856

Connect with Caycee

Caycee Masters
T: 705 828 0245