
Decolonizing Your Environment

We offer a variety of sessions to fit your needs, develop decolonizing practices, and learn the Land Acknowledgment to deliver at future events. Take the step to become a leader in your community by establishing practices that show you are actively playing a role in reconciliation. By choosing to train your colleagues or students, you will learn about breaking down stereotypes and explore how colonization has impacted the lives of Indigenous People in North America. As part of Truth and Reconciliation, participating in this training as an individual, organization, and business will address a number of the the 94 Calls to Action by the National Centre of Truth and Reconciliation.

This session is comprised of 3 primary parts:

  • A traditional opening with an Elder 
  • An experiential re-enactment of the residential school system (which Indigenous communities endured) to evoke empathy and understanding
  • Traditional sharing circle, debrief and Q&A with ourselves and the Elder

“Meagan and Caycee facilitated a Truth and Reconciliation workshop for the Simcoe County Regional Housing First Program staff. Approximately 35 front-line staff and supervisors attended the session as part of ongoing professional development training. The workshop was very interactive and powerful. In fact, many participants were so visibly moved by the content ensuring positive impact. I was extremely impressed with Meagan and Caycee. I would highly recommend them, you will not be disappointed.”

Candace Hawke

Executive Director, Biminaawzogin Regional Aboriginal Women’s Circle

Connect with Meagan

Meagan Lortie
T: 705 305 8856

Connect with Caycee

Caycee Masters
T: 705 828 0245